Track Directory

fTrackDirectory (Function)

When there is a requirement to track the files creation, modification, deletion of the files in a specified directory we can use the function fTrackDirectory.

This function detects the modifications performed on the content of a directory. Only the modifications performed on the files found in the directory are detected. In case of modification, a specific procedure is run in a thread.

         // Name of directory to track
sDirectoryName is string = "C:\Temp\MyDir"
        // The ProcessDirModification procedure will be called
       // whenever a file or directory found in the "C:\Temp\MyDir" directory is modified.  
IF fTrackDirectory(sDirectoryName, ProcessDirModification, ftCreateFile  ...
+ ftModifyFile + ftDeleteFile + ftRename) THEN
                 // Inform the user that the directory will be tracked
           Info("The " + sDirectoryName + " directory will be tracked.")
                // Inform the user that the directory will not be tracked
           Info("The " + sDirectoryName + " directory will not be tracked.")

           // Code of the procedure
PROCEDURE ProcessDirModification(sDirectoryName, sFileName, nAction, sFormerFileName)
ExecuteMainThread(AddTable,sDirectoryName, sFileName, nAction, sFormerFileName)
         // Procedure that acts on the main thread

PROCEDURE AddTable(sDirectoryName, sFileName, nAction, sFormerFileName)

sActionDesignation is string
            // The designation of the action depends on nAction
SWITCH nAction
CASE ftCreateFile: sActionDesignation = "Creating files"
CASE ftDeleteFile: sActionDesignation = "Deleting files"
CASE ftModifyFile: sActionDesignation = "Modifying files"
CASE ftRename: sActionDesignation = "Renaming files"
           // Add a line containing the information about the modification
           // into the TABLE_MODIFICATIONS table
TableAddLine(TABLE_MODIFICATIONS, sDirectoryName, sFileName, , ...
sActionDesignation, sFormerFileName)


<Result> = fTrackDirectory(<Directory Name> , <Procedure Name> [, <Modifications to Notify> [, <Sub-directory>]])

<Result>: Boolean
  • True is the directory is tracked,
  • False otherwise. To find out the error details, use ErrorInfo.
<Directory Name>: Character string (with quotes)
Full name of the directory to track.
<Procedure Name>: Character string (with or without quotes)
Name of the WLanguage procedure ("callback" procedure) that will be called when a change is detected in the specified directory.
This procedure has the following format:

PROCEDURE <Procedure Name>(<Name of Tracked Directory>
[, <Name of Modified Element>
[ <, <Action> [, <Former Name>])
  • <Name of Tracked Directory>: character string corresponding to the full name of the tracked directory.
  • <Name of Modified Element>: chaaracter string indicating the name of the modified file or directory.
  • <Action>: Integer constant that can take the following values:
    ftCreateFileThe <Name of Modified Element> file or directory was created in <Directory>.
    ftModifyFileThe <Name of Modified Element> file or directory was modified in <Directory>.
    ftRenameThe <Name of Modified Element> file or directory was renamed in <Directory>.
    ftDeleteFileThe <Name of Modified Element> file or directory was deleted from <Directory>.
  • <Former Name>: Former name of the modified file or directory if the action performed is a rename operation.
Special cases
  • fTrackDirectory tracks the directory content only. The changes of directory name or location are ignored.
  • To stop tracking the directory, use fTrackStop and fTrackStopAll.
  • To track the modifications performed in a file, use fTrackFile.
  • Limitation: Only 5 directories can be tracked at the same time.


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